Office Cleaning
Keep your workspace spotless and productive with our office cleaning services. We ensure a clean and healthy environment for your employees.

Commercial Cleaning
Our commercial cleaning services cater to all types of facilities. Count on us for consistent, high-quality results for your business.

Residential Cleaning
Enjoy a perfectly clean home with our residential cleaning services. We provide thorough and reliable cleaning to fit your lifestyle.
Serious Cleaning with a Dash of Humor
There are two main causes of disease in the world: Germs and negative emotions. Living or working in a dirty environment promotes both of these, so that is why Club Janitorial strives to make life better for our clients by being serious with our cleaning and light-hearted in our interactions.
Psychologically speaking, being in a dirty environment makes it harder to focus on the positive. We learn at a very young age the importance of staying healthy, and also the dangers of germs. This is why living in a state of filthiness, whether it is visible dust and grime, accumulated garbage, or obvious odors, causes worry and distraction. Our minds recognize dirty environments as being dangerous to our health.
On the flip side we recognize a clean and tidy living or workspace as a healthy environment. Removing the distractions of dirt and garbage frees us mentally from the weight of the worry that they cause. Having a clean space is a great way to improve productivity, good emotions, and physical health.
Protect yourself from harmful bacteria with Commercial Cleaning St George
Do you know which country has the most bacteria?
If your answer is “Germ-many” then we may need to sit down and chat sometime. I love a good joke, and while that wasn’t what I would consider a good joke it does make a great segway. You see, the truth is that it doesn’t matter which country has the most germs because it’s the germs closest to home that are most likely to affect you. Sure, there is always a chance with global travel that the odd microorganism from Europe, Africa, or some other random country might one day make its way to your doorstep, but with a good professional cleaning service you don’t need to worry so much about that.
Club Janitorial works hard to make our client’s homes and businesses areas where germs cannot thrive. That way, no matter if the germ is a local or a visiting foreigner it won’t be able to stick around.
Learn about the difference that probiotics make in keeping your home safe from germs.
We Make Sure To Go Above And Beyond For Each Client
The two types of cleaning services
In the cleaning business there are two types of cleaning services: Those that clean for looks and those that clean for health.
Cleaning services that are focused on looks and appearance are services that focus on the surface level. Dust removal, sweeping, and trash removal are all services that, when done properly, leave a room, building, or property looking a lot better than it did before. There is merit to these types of services, however, only cleaning what is visible to the naked eye does little to combat the literal billions of microscopic organisms that cause bad odors and illness.
Cleaning services focused on health are different from look services because they generally use products specifically designed to kill bacteria and viruses. Because they treat things that are invisible to the naked eye, having a service done that only treats for health, may leave the building looking much the same as it did before, even though it may actually be more sanitary.
At Club Janitorial, our services focus on both appearance and health, with an added emphasis on health. We do all the basic cleaning services and then some, and strive to always leave our clients residential or commercial buildings looking tidy and feeling clean.
Are you happy with your current Janitorial Service?
If you aren’t satisfied with your current cleaning service then our first recommendation is to review what services you are paying for. By understanding what you are paying for, whether it is for a specific amount of time spent cleaning or for specific services, you can better review whether or not you are getting your money’s worth.
In our experience, out of all the reasons why customers are usually dissatisfied with their cleaning service, the most common is that they don’t understand what their service is doing. Cleaning takes dedicated time and uses supplies. Like any other business, the cleaning service has to make a profit to be able to continue to exist. The amount of time and supplies a cleaning service is able to dedicate to a building is limited by how much a property owner is willing to pay for the service. This is why, In most cases, the service that the property owners aren’t satisfied with is generally the service that they are willing to pay for.
Before turning to us for help, we invite you to take a moment and review your current service. It is possible that by being willing to allot just a little more budget to cleaning, that the service you are currently using may turn out to be the one you need and can be satisfied with. As silly as it may sound, it is true. However, if you find that upon review of your current service that you are still unsatisfied with what they have to offer, then we invite you to give Club Janitorial a call.
We Make Sure To Specialize Our Cleanings For Each Client's Needs!
Get Custom Service with Club Janitorial
We take pride in our work, but we know that a lot of other people do as well, so if you are satisfied with your current cleaning service, that’s great. However, if you have found that you are not satisfied with your current cleaning service, then we invite you to give us a call.
All our services can be customized to your budget and needs. We do custom pricing to fit individual necessities, have lower prices for basic cleanings, and can work with any budget for any size building. Additionally, we are always transparent on what service we can do for the budget, and always give our customers the best service possible.
What sets Club Janitorial Apart from the Competition?
One reason why we don’t feel the need to boast about our cleaning prowess is that we do much of the same stuff as other cleaning companies. We use many of the same supplies, like the classic yellow bucket and mop for the floor, spray bottle and rags for surfaces, and toilet brush for the toilet, as other companies do. However, while our repertoire of tools may be relatively the same, our methods and the products we use are a little different. Our goal as a cleaning company is not to kill bad bacteria directly, but to starve it out.
To better understand how our methods work, we first need to understand a little more about bacteria and germs.
What is a “Germ”?
The word “Germ” has a few definitions but the one that applies to what we are talking about is bacteria and other microorganisms that cause diseases. To be diseased is to change into a harmful state that is different from normal. So germs are bacteria that cause illness, bad odors, and so on.
However, not all bacteria cause disease, so while there is no such thing as a good germ, there is such a thing as good bacteria, and the best bacteria are the ones that make it difficult for the bad bacteria to live.
How Germs Move
“I would tell you a joke about germs, but I don’t want to spread it around”
One of the reasons that germs are so difficult to contain is that they can spread, and the fastest way that they spread is called “Cross Contamination.” Cross-contamination is the act of transferring germs from one area to another through touch. If you touch something with germs, like a piece of raw meat, for example, germs will transfer from the meat to your hand, and from your hand to anything you touch. Utensils, other food, countertops, your child’s face, you name it, if you have germs on your hands and you touch anything, that thing is going to have germs on it as well.
People in the food and medical services are trained to be highly aware of cross-contamination. They train to combat it with different methods of protection like wearing and changing gloves or washing their hands. The vast majority of germs can be killed by a thorough application of soap and water; however, most other work situations don’t have the time or resources to repeatedly wash their hands. That doesn’t make cross-contamination any less of a problem and creates the conundrum of what can be done instead.
Bacterial Crowd Control with Probiotics
Probiotic vs Antibacterial
One thing that sets Club Janitorial apart from many other professional cleaning services in St George, Utah, is that where the majority of companies use antibacterial products, we use probiotics.
Antibacterial products are solutions with a chemical base that are designed to kill bacteria on contact. Soap, Lysol, and toilet bowl cleaners are all forms of antibacterial products. The good thing about these products is that they generally do their job and kill bad bacteria. The downsides to using antibacterial products are that they very often have strong chemical scents, can be irritating to skin and eyes, and can damage surfaces if left in contact with them for prolonged periods. They are only effective when wet. Once the disinfectant or the antibacterial product is dry, then it is no longer effective at killing germs.
“Probiotic” means that it contains living organisms, which, in this case, are bioengineered bacteria created by zbioScience. By combining microbiology, chemistry, and physics, zbioscience has created a way to target bad bacteria by targeting their food source. Germs are alive and like other living organisms, they can’t survive for long if they don’t have anything to eat. Probiotic solutions by zbioscience introduce a saturated population of good bacteria that competes with the germ population for food.
This accomplishes a few important things:
- Less food for the germs means they have a harder time surviving.
- As the germs die the good bacteria eat them as well.
- The bacteria eats the germs’ poop (yes, germs poop) which is usually a key factor in bad odors.
- The bioengineered bacteria poop—yes, good bacteria poop too—has a special quality about it that breaks down nasty biofilm, making it easier for them to eat. Also, the bioengineered bacteria’s poop doesn’t smell bad, and won’t make people sick!
All zbioscience probiotic formulas that we use are safe for humans and animals and don’t irritate skin or eyes,. They are certified green, completely biodegradable, non-flammable, and have low VOC. By using probiotics instead of direct antibacterial and disinfectants we can colonize surfaces with a healthy layer of probiotic bacteria, which will continue working positively against germs for up to three days.
One of the greatest benefits of using probiotics instead of antibacterial products is that our products can spread in the same way that germs do. For example, if our product is applied to the surface of a counter or desk, then as someone rests a hand on that desk they may carry the good bacteria over to their own desk, or a doorknob, or even to the bathroom. As the good bacteria is brought to new locations it will attempt to compete with the bad bacteria for food. This is really great because it enables the good bacteria to reach places that a normal antibacterial product never would.
Generally speaking, the probiotic will last for about three days, which is why we like to return weekly or multiple times a week depending on levels of foot traffic, biohazards, trash levels, and so on. Remember that germs are alive and constantly on the move. By returning frequently to your residential or commercial building and applying these probiotic solutions, we can ensure that the population of the good bacteria always outnumbers the population of the bad bacteria.
Yes! These little amazing critters help remove the bacteria, and the bacteria’s poop, that are responsible for bad odors. If bad odors are an issue in your building we highly recommend these probiotic solutions. Additionally, we also have connections and can install scent applicators in your building which actively knock bad odors out of the air. For more information on how Club Janitorial can help improve the air quality inside your building call 435-619-5989.